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Safety operating rules for electric rebar cutter

Taizhou Xinpu Tools Co., Ltd. 2024.08.30
Taizhou Xinpu Tools Co., Ltd. Industry News

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In fields such as building construction and metal processing, electric rebar cutters are a common and vital piece of equipment. However, if the correct safety procedures are not followed, it can also pose a serious safety hazard. Therefore, it is important to know and strictly follow the safety measures of electric rebar cutters.
1. Personal protective equipment
Operators must wear personal protective equipment correctly before using electric rebar cutters. First of all, you should wear a helmet to prevent falling objects from hitting your head. Secondly, safety gloves should be worn, because during the operation, the hand may come into contact with the steel bar or machine parts, safety gloves can effectively prevent hand injuries, such as being scratched by the sharp edge of the steel bar or being caught by the machine. In addition, it is also necessary to wear non-slip and anti-smashing safety shoes to ensure that you stand firmly in the work area to avoid slipping or being hurt by heavy objects. Safety goggles are also essential to prevent metal chips or sparks created during the cutting of rebar from flying into the eyes and causing injury.
2. Correct operation process
In the operation of electric rebar cutter, must strictly follow the correct process. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the electric rebar cutter. Check whether the various parts of the machine are intact, especially the sharpness and fastening of the tool, to ensure that the tool is firmly installed without loosening or excessive wear. At the same time, check whether the electrical line is normal and the grounding is good to avoid electrical faults such as leakage.
Place the steel bar to be cut smoothly on the work table of the electric rebar cutter to ensure that the position of the steel bar is aligned with the tool to avoid cutting deviation. When starting the electric rebar cutter, it is necessary to run for a period of time without load to observe whether the running state of the machine is normal, and whether there is abnormal noise or vibration. During the cutting process, the operator's hands should be away from the tool, and it is strictly prohibited to clean the steel debris or debris on the workbench directly by hand to avoid danger
The number and diameter of each cutting steel bar should meet the requirements of the electric rebar cutter, and should not be overloaded. When the tool needs to be replaced or the machine needs to be repaired, the power supply must be turned off first, and the machine must be operated after the machine has completely stopped running, so as to avoid the sudden start of the machine caused by miscontact with the start switch.
3. Emergency shutdown mechanism
The electric rebar cutter should be equipped with a reliable emergency shutdown device. In the process of operation, if the machine is found to have abnormal conditions, such as abnormal noise, violent vibration, tool loosening or electrical failure, the operator should immediately press the emergency stop button to stop the operation of the machine.
When an emergency occurs, such as the operator's body part is involved in the machine or other personnel stray into the dangerous area, the emergency shutdown mechanism should also be quickly activated to minimize injury. After the emergency shutdown, the machine must be comprehensively inspected and repaired, and the fault can be started again.
In short, the electric rebar cutter plays an important role in the construction and industrial fields, but only by strictly observing the safe operating procedures, including the correct wearing of personal protective equipment, according to the correct operation process, and proficient in the emergency shutdown mechanism, in order to ensure the safety of the operator and avoid accidents. In daily work, the electric rebar cutter should also be regularly maintained to keep it in good working condition and provide a strong guarantee for safe production. We should always bear in mind that safety is no small matter, and every link can not be sloppy, only in this way, can we make the electric rebar cutter better serve our work.